Transformation from Development Agency to Leading Mobile Agency

The moment has finally arrived: after 12.5 years, we are bidding farewell to our old name and branding. Today, we are launching our new rebranding that perfectly aligns with our future positioning and strategy. We are proud to reintroduce ourselves to you.

Strong Growth Ambitions

Myler Media is a pioneer in mobile app development. Since our inception in 2012, we have not only grown alongside the rise of mobile technology but have also continuously adapted to the developments within this field. Where we once developed simple, "fun" apps, the digital challenges faced by organizations today have become much more complex and serious. Nowadays, we focus on integrating mobile technology into business processes and the digital customer journey. Where mobile apps were once considered a 'nice-to-have,' in 2024 we see that mobile plays an increasingly vital role in how future customers expect to be served. In this digital transformation, we observe that more organizations are innovating with (new) products and services, creating personalized on-the-go touchpoints for customers. The market has clearly matured, and so have we.

From Apps to Mobile Experiences

We believe that we are only at the beginning of how we can harness mobile technology in processes and channels. With the rise of new technologies such as IoT, AR, VR, and AI, we see a wide array of opportunities for organizations to enhance their customer experience further.

Our ambition is to take a leading role in designing, developing, and implementing new technologies in mobile experiences. Over the past year, we have used this time for reflection to shape these ambitions.

We took the time to consider the journey we have undertaken and focused our attention on the road ahead. In recent years, we have witnessed significant consolidation in the agency landscape, with specialized agencies being absorbed into full-service propositions and the market becoming increasingly generalized. As a mobile agency specializing in app development, we faced the choice: follow this trend or carve our own path. We consciously chose the latter.

Apperium: Explore the Mobile Frontiers

Since 2012, we have been pioneers, and we continue to be so. Discovering new technologies, applications, and opportunities to add value to the customer experience of products and services is deeply ingrained in our organization's DNA. However, we have often operated in the shadow of our own modesty over the past few years. Today, we step out of that shadow and embrace our true identity with the launch of our new rebranding.

As of October 18, 2024, Myler will operate under the new name Apperium, with the tagline: Explore the Mobile Frontiers. This name and tagline reflect our ambition and invite customers to embark on a journey with us into mobile applications. With this brand name change, we also aim to establish a comprehensive proposition in the niche of mobile technology. With Apperium, we position ourselves as an end-to-end partner in mobile solutions, bundling various services into a single offering for our clients.

A Home for Specialists

As our clients become more digitally mature, we increasingly recognize the need for a multidisciplinary approach to challenges. Where we once only developed an app, we now need to integrate with hardware, address WiFi protocols, and ensure data is accessible in the cloud and across various data warehousing platforms. The market is increasingly demanding proof of concepts to quickly validate the viability of new propositions. We see that low-code development is gaining traction as well. Therefore, with Apperium, we want to provide a home for specialization, where we can experiment with new technologies and innovative forms of products and services. Over the coming years, we will invest wisely in attracting talent, training our team, forming strategic partnerships, and even implementing buy-and-build strategies to further develop this proposition.

We see the choice to further specialize and deepen our focus on target markets as an effective strategy to achieve our goal of becoming a leading mobile agency.
— Herbert, Managing Director of Apperium

A Strategy to Build Upon

Apperium is not the only brand we will launch. Central to our strategy is our commitment to continue building and introducing new labels under the Apperium Group in the coming months. This strategy allows us to create space for new propositions and business models, enabling us to establish a presence in various target markets. Many promising proposals are already waiting to see the light of day, and you can expect to hear more about them in the coming weeks and months.


Building a Great Place to Work at Apperium